All posts by Admin

Trunce Poster

Steve Frith has produced a Trunce 2014 A3 poster – featuring some of his excellent photography of runners that have taken part in the series. Copies will be available to buy at the last Trunce, on Monday 8 September. At only £10 it’s a great memento of this years Trunce. All money goes to Malaria No More UK (Mossie Net Photography).


Also, don’t forget that the last race of the series is Fancy Dress!

2014 Race 2 Results

The results from race 2 are now available on-line… I have now made a couple of amendments where there were incorrect numbers entered. Race 1 points have been re-calculated as there have been a number of amendments to people’s age category. If you think you are in the wrong age category, please use this form to provide age details and we will amend our records.

Entry Fee Change

From race 2 onwards, the entry fee will now be £1.50 per race – any surplus proceeds from the race series will be donated to local causes.

Also, for the benefit of the road runners, there are 3 drinks stations along the route situated at each of the river crossings, but competitors will need to provide their own cups.

2014 Race 1 Results

Finally, after a bit of work, the results from race 1 are now available on-line.

There were a few queries on the results after Monday’s race, and I have now updated the results to catch up with these queries so hopefully no-one’s missing and PBs are correct.

If you have not yet filled in one of the contact details/registration forms you can now do it on-line here, so please take the time to do it. Once you have registered, we will be able to calculate your age category automatically. P.S. You only need to complete the form once, not for every race.

Thankyou Message

Runner Raine Paivi, who fell and injured herself during the first race of the season would like to pass on her thanks to all of the people who stopped to give her assistance during the race. Many thanks, your help and support is much appreciated.


Welcome to the new Trunce website. It’s still in development, all of the content from the old site will be transferred over in the next few days.

The site should now be easier to navigate, with all of the key information you will need being accessible from a single click.